Advertising Techniques Crossword Puzzle

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Advertising Techniques Crossword Puzzle

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  • loaded words : words with strong associations like "family," "home," "dishonest" and "wasteful".
  • snob appeal : the case that using the product means the consumer is better, smarter, richer and so on... than anyone else.
  • testimonial : a product endorsed by a celebrity or by an expert
  • urgency : the advertiser makes you feel like you need the product right away.
  • plain folks : the advertiser says or implies (either by text or pictures) that "people just like you" use the product.
  • repetition : this technique repeats the product's catchphrase, name or logo over and over so that it "sticks" in the consumer's mind.
  • special offer : the advertiser offers a discount, coupon, free gift or other enticement to get people to buy a product
  • transference : attempts to make the audience associate positive words, images and ideas with a product and its users.
  • bandwagon : the advertiser tries to make you feel like everyone else has the product and if you don't, you will be left out.
  • name calling : comparing one product to another and saying it is weaker or inferior in quality or taste.
  • emotional appeals : the advertiser appeals to the consumer's fears, joys, sense of nostalgia and so on.
  • flattery : the advertiser appeals to the consumer's vanity by implying that smart, rich, popular people buy the product.