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Business and Finance Crossword Puzzles
Free printable business-finance crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
a natural resource important to agriculture, setting aside money, not spending it on needs or wants, money that a person owes to another, purchase …
a collection of investments, including stocks, bonds, and other assets, held by an individual or organization, the distribution of funds or profits to …
this bill has all 50 states listed on it, this coin has 118 grooves on it, this coin has 119 grooves on it, a bill weighs this much, bill that is …
a review process to ensure risk management effectiveness, the potential for loss, damage, or negative impact, measures put in place to manage or …
always checking the weather forecast is a great way to reduce the risks caused by the _ , a risk assessment involves being aware of controls, the …
a workplace where all workers must belong to the union, railroad heading east from california, companies lock the door and do not allow employee to …
words or symbols that identify the source of services, intellectual property theft, freely available for use, amount of time an artist has the …
employee identification badges should be worn above the _ , an employee's communication with patients, or patient family members on social media …
when an account goes below zero, borrowed money from a bank, internet-based services for account access, an account that allows individuals to deposit …
to transform raw data is into information and new knowledge, which can be used for decision making and other purposes, a common data analytics tool …
it is a letter written to inform the buyer/seller about the details of the items bought/sold, a cover letter is a one-page document that you submit as …
a person who purchases goods and services for personal use, cannot avoid or help doing something, the part of the earth's surface that is not covered …
an entrepreneur takes a calculated _ by investing money in a business opportunity, _ work for themselves and create their own jobs, entrepreneurs …
hard physical work, someone who produces something, another word for something you really want, money a person receives on a regular bases, things …
to promote products or services, unique positive message or other feature of one's business, a plan to advertise a business or product, most likely …
a professional who assists in the boying and selling of businesses, someone who purchases the right to operate a business under a well established …
the way someone or a brand want to express themselves and the way that they want to be seen by others, noun, an advertisement on television, on the …
showing kindly awareness or regard for another's feelings, circumstances, etc, to fill or affect with a specified feeling, thought, etc, character …
what economics is about, economic theory which links consumer demand for goods and services to prosperity, (three words) marketing technique related …
hungry? why wait?, it’s all in the mix, that’s rich, crispety, crunchety, peanut-buttery, “what’s in your wallet?”, “snap! crackle! …
the lowest amount you can month on a credit card or loan, a money plan, an account for saving for an emergency, house, car, or vacation, a nonprofit …
the practice of engaging closely with what a speaker is saying, trustworthy and reliable, to tolerate delay, trouble, or annoyance without getting …
the kind of efficiency which occurs when more of good 1 can't be made without making less of good 2, the kind of efficiency which occurs when the …
the physical centre of a company, regrouping of all the branches in one place where the executive decisions are made, advantages or benefits, the …
return on _ : net earnings / average shareholder's equity, return on _ : net earnings + interest expense / average total assets, _ leverage percentage …
this individual or entity can be assessed under 152.304(a) and 153.152(b) of the business organization code, prevents issuance of a new tabc permit, …
last stage in the accounting cycle, where transactions are first recorded, a subfield of accounting that deals with csr, analysis tools used in …
the amount of money made on a sale, the amount by which an item is marked down, this occurs when the selling price is less than amount of money which …
a money system that a country uses, a large amount of possessions, to keep and store up, equal in value, use or meaning, the state of owing money; an …
a type of debt that a company issues to investors for a specified amount of time, a share of ownership in the assets and earnings of a company, the …