Basic Concepts in Statistics Crossword Puzzle

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Basic Concepts in Statistics Crossword Puzzle

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  • data: letters, symbols, or categories used to represent information.
  • sample: a specific subset of a population used for analysis.
  • dataset: a collection of values or observations.
  • qualitative: data that can be categorized but not measured numerically.
  • variable: characteristics of interest that can assume different values for different elements.
  • population: the entire group of individuals or items being studied.
  • continuous: data that can take on an infinite number of values within a given range.
  • statistics: the study of data, including collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation
  • quantitative: data that can be measured and expressed with numbers.
  • interval: there is no true zero.
  • ratio: it is the highest level of measurement scale.
  • nominal: a type of data that consists of distinct categories or labels