Industrial Revolution Crossword Puzzle

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Industrial Revolution Crossword Puzzle

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  • industries: economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods in factories.
  • production: the action of making or manufacturing from components or raw materials, or the process of being so manufactured.
  • machine: an apparatus using mechanical power and having several parts, each with a definite function and together performing a particular task.
  • efficiency: the state or quality of being efficient.
  • economy: the state of a country or region in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services and the supply of money.
  • revolution: a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favor of a new system.
  • modern: relating to the present or recent times as opposed to the remote past.
  • manufacturing: the making of articles on a large scale using machinery; industrial production.
  • technology: the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.