Business Analysis Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: error : a person can make what that can lead to the introduction of a defect, decision : which tables are a good way to record complex business rules that a system must implement, impact : which analysis evaluates the changes that were made for a maintenance release to identify the intended consequences, debugging : what is the development activity that finds, analyzes, and fixes defects, component testing : focuses on components that are separately testable, regulatory : which acceptance testing is performed against any regulations that must be adhered to, such as government, legal, or safety regulations, test planning : involves activities that define the objective of testing and the approach for meeting test, integration : which testing focuses on interactions between components or systems, component : which testing focuses on components that are separately tested, acceptance : which testing, like system testing, typically focuses on the behavior and capabilities of a whole system or product, test analysis : during which phase does the test basis is analyzed to identify testable features, operational : the acceptance testing of the system by operations or systems administration staff, monitoring : which test involves the on-going comparison of actual process against planned progress, functional : which testing of a system involves tests that evaluate functions that the system should perform, contractual : which acceptance testing is performed against a contract's acceptance criteria for producing custom-developed software, beta : which testing is performed by potential or existing customers, and/or operators at their own locations, user : which acceptance testing of the system is typically focused on validating the fitness for use of the system, system : which testing focuses on the behavior and capabilities of a whole system or product, defects : may be found during acceptance testing