Promotion with Social Media Crossword Puzzle
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- brand recognition : the general awareness of a particular brand among the general population.
- social media : websites and services that allow users to interact with one another through creating and sharing photos, videos, and text-based communication.
- context advertising : advertising targeted to online users based upon their self-reported preferences.
- authenticity : an attribute of a brand, band, company, etc. that conveys that it is primarily interested in understanding and meeting the real needs of customers rather than making a one-size-fits-all type of sales pitch.
- marketing campaign : the methods and strategies a company uses to promote a product, service, or event.
- viral marketing : uses consumers to share an organization’s message with their friends and family using social media.
- social media marketer : someone who uses the power of social media to converse with actual and prospective customers, all with the goal of bolstering a company’s brand and selling more product.
- brand reputation : how a brand is perceived in the marketplace.
- spam : unwanted email solicitations from companies.