Business of Insurance Crossword Puzzle

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Business of Insurance Crossword Puzzle

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  • reserve : the difference between revenue and expenses is held as .
  • intermediaries : insurance companies act as _ in the process of risk management.
  • claims : the compensation paid in the event of a loss is called _ .
  • risk : insurance companies spread the losses of individuals over a group of individuals exposed to similar _ .
  • loss : premiums are based on the expectation of _ .
  • large numbers : insurers use statistical principles such as the law of _ .
  • license : a separate _ is required for life and general insurance.
  • trustee : an insurer acts as a _ managing a common fund on behalf of its policyholders.
  • underwriting : the act of assessing risk and determining premiums is known as _ .
  • accidental : insurance companies must not pay claims for losses which are not _ .
  • micro insurance : allows for insurers to issue life and general insurance for small sums.