Budgeting Basics Crossword Puzzle

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Budgeting Basics Crossword Puzzle

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  • budget : spending plan for managing money during a given period of time
  • ethics : moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior
  • expenses : amounts of money spend to buy goods and services
  • fixed expenses : expenses where the amount that you pay each time is the same
  • goal : the object of a persons ambition or effort
  • gross pay : amount of money you earn before taxes are deducted
  • grant : money that is awarded based on need
  • impulse buying : a sudden unplanned decision to buy
  • income : money earned through employment and investments
  • loan : money that is borrowed and then paid back
  • net pay : amount of money that is left after taxes have been deducted from your paycheck
  • prioritizing : in order of importance
  • refund : get your money back
  • scholarship : money awarded for achievement in academics or athletics
  • social security : federal government program that provides benefits for people of all ages
  • variable expenses : costs that change in amount each time they are paid
  • warranty : a guarantee
  • withholding : money deducted from your paycheck to pay taxes