General Business & Economics Crossword Puzzle

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General Business & Economics Crossword Puzzle

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  • corporation : a business owned by a group of people and authorized to act as though it were a single person.
  • partnership : when two or more people own a business.
  • nonprofit : an organization that does not pay taxes and does not exist to make a profit and whose goal is to make money for a social or political purpose or provide a service that people need.
  • sole proprietorship : a business owned and managed by a one person.
  • local business : a business that is locally owned by people who live in the community and provides goods or services to a local population.
  • national business : a business that operates within the borders of a particular country, understands the culture of the country, and develops products and services to satisfy its market
  • business cycle : a series of cycles, varying in length, in which the economy expands or contracts based on broad measures of economic activity as well as the gross domestic product (gdp).
  • expansion : the phase of the business cycle when the economy grows and there is an increase in the number of goods and services available.
  • peak : the height point within the business cycle characterized by the end of economic expansion and the beginning of contraction.
  • contraction : a period of economic downturn, marked by rising unemployment and falling business production.
  • trough : the stage that marks the end of a period of declining business activity and the transition to expansion.
  • inflation : a general increase in prices across an economy; rise in the cost of goods and services over time.
  • depression : a severe downturn in the economy that is especially prolonged.
  • recession : a phase of the business cycle characterized by an extreme decrease in the economy.
  • recovery : a phase of the business cycle characterized by an increase in the economy after a significant decrease.
  • economic activity : producing, purchasing, or selling products or services, and working for a wage or salary. (business cycles include upswings and downswings that measure economic activity.)
  • founded : to establish or originate (an institution or organization).
  • annual revenue : the total amount of money a company makes during a given 12-month period from the sale of products, services, assets or capital.