World Radiography Day Crossword Puzzle
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- radiation: utilized in the production of x-ray images.
- lumbar: the spine is segmented into 4 areas, cervical, thoracic, _ and sacrum.
- photon: x-rays are a high energy light _ .
- clavicle: the proper name for a collar bone.
- mandible: you couldn't chew without it.
- fracture: bone injury, also known as a break.
- radiographer: a professional responsible for diagnostic imaging.
- scaphoid: bone of the wrist, a common site of fracture.
- femur: the largest bone in the human body.
- boxers: the name given to a fracture of the 5th metacarpal.
- cathode: x-ray tubes have both an anode and a _ .
- arthritis: common cause of knee pain in late adulthood.
- skyline: an x-ray of the patella, or a scenic view at the end of a day.
- mri: a form of imaging that utilizes a magnetic field.