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Occasions Crossword Puzzles
Free printable occasions crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
where jesus was born, a pendent, tapering mass formed by dripping h2o, red nosed, got lost in new york city, good on birthday cakes, bad on christmas …
love the _ more than the gift, walking in a winter _ , every time a _ rings an angel gets his wings, at christmas all _ lead home, don't get your _ in …
the original name of santa claus, here lives santa claus, nicholas makes these for the children, the presents for the children arrive from here, these …
in iceland, according to the jolabokaflod tradition, what do you receive on christmas eve?, country in which gingerbread houses first became a …
A Christmas Carol recounts the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, an elderly miser who is visited by the ghost of his former business partner Jacob Marley and the spirits of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come.
the spirit of christmas yet to come, scrooge's expresson/saying, the setting of the story // city in england, this spirit said tiny tim might die, …
decorate your house and christmas tree with bright, wears a red suit, you leave this out for santa to eat, a type of cookie, kiss under this, you …
merry christmas you filthy animal, blast this christmas music! it’s joyful and triumphant, every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings, the best …
feigning joy and surprise, at the gifts we _ (7), when 2000 years of your time has gone by, this _ will begin again (4), and the christmas bells that …
in the netherlands, children leave a shoe out in hopes to receive sweets or small presents from this man during the night, this flowering winter plant …
the fast one, the entertainer, santa's guiding light, the groovy one, the group rouser, the mom, the loving one, the singer, the spontaneous one
joy to the _ , i want a _ for christmas, i saw _ ships, angels _ us, auld _ syne, boogie _ santa claus, deck the _ , _ the snowman, grandma got run …
Halloween is a holiday celebrated each year on October 31, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' Day.
a branch of european people to include irish, scottish gaelic, welsh, breton, manx, cornish, and gaulish, empire that was founded in 753 bc by two …
where jesus slept, the jealous king who wanted to find jesus, messengers from god, mary's husband, first to hear of jesus' birth, mother of jesus, …
spanish phrase meaning happy christmas, in france, merry christmas is exclaimed this way, chinese winter festival, in the uk, this is the holiday …
christmas tree decoration, type of cake eaten at christmas, sung during christmas season, the three _ , santa claus rides in this, must be left out …
o come let us _ him, glory to the _ king, _ leading, still proceeding, _ through the snow, walking in a winter _ , may your days be merry and _ , …
we decorate this with lights and ornaments, we give this on christmas day, a man made of snow, a cookie shaped like a man, they help santa make …
the most misunderstood animal, "this is _ ", they crawl out of the grave, a movie about a predator, shhhh be quiet, _ before christmas, …
a web spun by spiders, often used as a symbol of halloween decorations, a superstition states that crossing paths with this creature brings bad luck, …
santa's little helpers, the reindeer famous for his shiny red nose, where santa lives, the day after christmas day, the holiday celebrated during …
a person who purchases good from another, displaying kindness and concern for others, a pleased, kind, or amused facial expression, typically with the …
in hawaii, during the holidays, people drive up the mountains to fill their trucks up with this stuff, this activity is not appropriate on christmas …
the virgin bears the _ , ye who sang _ story, as with joy they _ its light, the stars in the bright sky looked _ where he lay, star of the east, the _ …
plant that is decorated at christmas, spheres hung on a christmas tree, the day after christmas, gifts given at christmas, parasitic plant that hangs …
this affliction causes excessive romantic desire, before they were candy hearts, they were this, her affair with a handsome count doomed this russian …
loud lights used for celebration, patterned fabric used to proclaim allegiance, writer of national anthem, patriotic song created by the british, …
according to fashion, you should not wear this color after labor day, labor day is a celebration of the _ , labor day is celebrated on the first _ of …
what animal's were the first ones to be domesticated in america?, ship name that pilgrim's sailed on, average weight of a turkey purchased for …