Thanksgiving Trivia Crossword Puzzle
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- Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving, which occurs on the fourth Thursday in November, is based on the colonial Pilgrims' 1621 harvest meal and is a national holiday celebrated in the United States, Canada and some other countries.
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- puritans : another name for pilgrims
- franklin : nominated turkey to be national bird
- bradford : plymouth governor
- beer : drink that pilgrims provided
- california : state that eats most turkeys
- wampanoag : indian tribe to aid pilgrims
- squanto : 1st native to aid pilgrims
- canada : only other country to celebrate thanksgiving
- three : number of days 1st feast lasted
- boston : modern-day plymouth
- sixteen: _ twenty one - year of 1st feast
- mayflower : pilgrims ship
- new york : 1st state to recognize custom
- plymouth rock : where pilgrims first landed
- england : country where pilgrims originated
- massasoit : chief that attended 1st feast