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Geography Crossword Puzzles
Free printable geography crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
a mass of flowing or solidified lava, volcanic ash may contain varying amounts of soil nutrients that enrich the soil, lahars are hot or cold mixtures …
a symbol that shows the cardinal directions north, south, east, west, used to show the overall distribution of the population within a particular area …
type of volcano with steep sides and more violent eruption, any opening at the earth's surface through which magma erupts or volcanic gases are …
south of the canadian shield in ontario and quebec – smallest landform region in canada, along the western edge of canada, covering most of yukon …
- runs east to west around the world, a half of the earth, usually as divided into northern and southern halves by the equator, or into western and …
the trapping of the sun's heat by gases in the earth's atmosphere, a vegetation region with a mix of grassland and scattered trees, of lower quality, …
the sea that surrounds the north pole, lying within the arctic circle, the second-largest ocean in the world, the ocean to the south of india, the …
southwest: one of the main alaska native groups in the region, southeast: this icy landform created much of the landscape in the region, interior: the …
i wear it when its cold. i wear it around my neck, i wear it when it's cold. i wear it on my feet, i wear it when it's sunny. i protect my eyes from …
the seychelles are located in this ocean, the largest member of the dolphin family, they can hold their breath for up to twenty minutes, this sea …
what are the things that look like stalactite-like formations known as?, the water in the villa luz cave is white because it contains _ , the cave of …
used for an underwater breathing apparatus, a method or device for detecting and locating objects especially underwater by means of sound waves sent …
_ documents - copies of a work made by different people which can be used to verify the validity of the document of interest, the study of life's …
the science of the earths water (and its movement), canada's most important resource, process that improves the quality of water, water is taken from …
mountains that separate the coast from the sahara desert, desert that runs across the entire width of northern africa, dry, semi-arid region that is …
studying clouds helps nasa better understand earth's _ ? _ and climate, clouds are categorized primarily by _ ? _ and shape, thin, light, delicate, …
on a topographic map, a _ line connects points of equal elevation, a list of all the symbols used on a map with an explanation of their meaning, the …
first man to sail from europe to india, he started the protestant reformation, group of warriors from scandinavia, narrow, water filled valleys, an …
desert climates occur in places where air is.., a plant with spikes for leaves and which stores water in its stems, these stand above the ground to …
a _ assessment is carried out to assess the environmental impact of a product, the total amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases emitted …
branch of geography that describes the spatial aspects of interactions between human and the natural world, science that deals with climates and their …
permanently frozen ground not far below the surface of the soil, the place where an indigenous australian comes from and where their ancestors lived; …
platinum is used in _ batteries, _ conditions occur in northern africa, another of africa's desserts, the metal used in jewelry, africa is home to _ …
least populated province in south africa, the countryside where most people work on the land or sea, most populated country in the world, the number …
to change in form appearance or structure, the geological process in which sediments,soil and rocks are added to a landform of land mass, the process …
_ volcanic line is a chain of volcanic mountains, the sahel is becoming more like a _ , empire that included two major trading and cultural centers, …
sediment deposited where a river flows into an ocean or lake and builds up a landform, occurs where the agents of erosion deposit, or lay down, …
the natural world of land, water, air, plants, and animals, material that is able to be readily decomposed or broken down by biological means, …
nashville is the capital of, capital of virginia, capital of louisiana, capital of florida, raleigh is the capital of, baton rouge is the capital of, …
smaller materials float within the water, another term for animals, trees being cut down, another word for plants, complex system that includes water …