Topographic Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: narrow : a space that has been reduced in width, erosion : a process by which water, ice, wind and gravity remove and transport sediments from one place to another, contour interval : the difference in elevation between two adjacent contour lines of a map, index contour : a thicker line marking every given number of contour lines of a map, weathering : a mechanical or chemical processes that break rocks into smaller pieces and sometimes change chemical compositions, sediments : solid fragments of weathered rock are eroded (moved) and then dropped into place by wind, water, ice and gravity, satellite views : photos or images of earth from space taken by satellites orbiting earth, shallow : an area of the sea, a lake, or a river where the water is not very deep, deep : far down from the top or the surface, topographic maps : a description of land surface area with reference to variation using contour lines, elevation : the distance above sea level, channel : a length of water joining two larger areas of water, wide : a space with greater width than normal, coastline : the land along the edge of a coast, rim : the upper or outer edge of an object such as a crater, contour lines : a line on a map that connects points with the same elevation, inland : a place located in the interior of a continent rather than on the coast.