Water Cycle Crossword Puzzle
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- cloud : a visible mass of condensed water vapor floating in the atmosphere
- precipitation : rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls from the clouds
- snow : falling ice that are in the shape of white snow flakes
- rain : water droplets that fall from clouds to the earth's surface
- salinity : the amount of dissolved salts in water
- fog : a thick cloud of dew released in the atmosphere
- river : a large stream of water
- condensation : the process of vapor turning in to a liquid
- freshwater : is the 3% of water we can use
- dew : tiny droplets of water
- water vapor : is the gaseous phase of water
- runoff : the draining away of water
- ocean : a very large expanse of sea
- evaporation : the process of turning from liquid to vapor
- ice : the solid state of water
- composition : the nature of something ingredients
- frost : a deposit of small ice crystal
- hydrology : the branch of science concerned with the properties of earth's water
- saltwater : water having a large amount of salt
- lake : a large body of water surrounded by land
- sleet : wet pellets that are a mix of rain and snow
- glaciers : an extended of ice formed by falling ice