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Geography Crossword Puzzles
Free printable geography crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
the _ -the explanation of creation for australia's indigenous people, girl who is caught at the train station, this animal will always take care of …
fine yellowish soil, somewhat dry, sea routes, groups with camels-which were well suited to the difficult terrain and dry climate, tropical …
group of parts working together, the ability to cause change, gases surrounding earth, non-living parts of earth, water parts of earth, frozen parts …
a vein of igneous rock that runs perpendicular to the strata, usually a combination of two or more minerals, a surface of erosion that separates one …
the cooling that occurs when a gas expands and the other conditions stay the same, the average time a given particle will stay in a given system, …
split into two regions; center of earth, theory, most widely held by scientists, of how earth's magnetic field is generated, uppermost layer of earth, …
a water less, often sandy, desolate area of land with little vegetation, a large area covered mainly with trees, a natural hollowed-out underground …
what ocean does the cordillera region border?, a man made symbol used to represent a certain city or region, toronto is found in this region and this …
the natural force that pulls things towards the earth, a valley with many small streams, moisture squeezed from rain clouds, relating to or living in …
point on the earth´s surface above the focus of an earthquake, type of graph that shows how quickly a river responds to a rainfall event, a tidal …
longest river in africa, river flowing through south america, longest river in china, major river in the united states, river flowing through central …
home to mount everest, longest mountain range in the world, major range in north america, mountain range in eastern u.s, range between france and …
be able to live with basic needs, something that you would find on a beach, a fertile spot in the dessert, where you can find water, different types …
phosphorus on earth is tied up in rock and sedimentary deposits, from which it is released by _ , the rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the …
the mouth of the mississippi river is shaped like a _ , flood water carries _ that adds new topsoil and helps crops grow, the delta region also has …
seeds the chumash used for food, an ancient hole punch, to dig, scientist who studies people and objects from the past, a rock used for paint, what …
a supply or source of water, the process where groundwater becomes surface water, any water that falls to earth from clouds, when water can't easily …
this place is not real, strong winds up to 6 kilometers high!, be careful of this plant - it can hurt you too!, our body gives us this when it gets to …
the path taken by a river, does not allow water to pass through, a smaller river that feeds into a larger river, starting point of a river, point …
mountain landforms that are made of anticlines and synclines are _ , the depression found at the top of most volcanic cones is called a _ , a large …
erosion caused when rocks and boulders transported by waves bump into each other and break up into smaller pieces, occurs when material being …
the united states is not a part of this american continent, this symbol is a circle with a star in the middle that stands for _ , this is the only …
another word for rainfall, a broad leafed tree, trees that lose their leaves in winter are called this, a temperate forest has four of these, fraction …
luster may be this, minerals are _ occurring, how it reflects light, not liquid, but _ , not organic, breaks along smooth ines, example of a soft …
a type of wave with a weak swash and strong backwash, when a spit connects across two headlands, the wearing away and removal of rock, when minerals …
this region has low lying lands with many rivers running through it, this region contains death valley, this ocean is east of the united states, which …
a person who studies ancient cultures through the examination of artifacts, to rot, or decay, created after the fact, it is not original, a replica of …
the area of land drained by a river system, rivers, lakes and streams, groundwater becoming surface water (springs), the upper boundary saturated by …
a narrow strip of land that protects the mainland shore from ocean waves, exact global address of a place, regards to an area in the city, document or …
instrument used to measure wind speed, transfer of energy from an object with a higher temperature to an object with a lower temperature, frozen part …