World Geography Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: plateau : a flat highland, river : a large stream of water that runs through the land to another body of water, equator : an imaginary line around the middle of the earth, peninsula : land surrounded by water on three sides, continent : one of 7 very large areas of land on earth, longitude : map lines that go from the north pole to the south pole. they locate places east and west, latitude : map lines used to locate places north and south of the equator, physical map : a map that shows the natural regions of a land such as rivers, lakes, or mountains, mountain : high, rocky land with steep sides, political map : a map that shows the boundaries of countries, states, counties, or cities, desert : sandy or rocky land in a dry area, ocean : a very large body of water, lake : a body of water surrounded by land, coast : land at the edge of an ocean