Asian Geography Crossword Puzzle

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Asian Geography Crossword Puzzle

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  • alfred wegener : the german scientist who theorized the continental drift theory
  • human geography : type of geography that refers to the people living in an area
  • pangaea : the name of the supercontinent millions of years ago
  • geo : one of the greek words where "geography" came from; this means earth
  • physical geography : type of geography that refers to the landforms and water forms
  • seven : the number of current continents in the world
  • asia : the largest continent in the world
  • russia : only country that is part of asia and europe
  • maldives : smallest country in asia
  • tokyo : most populous city in asia
  • sagarmatha : local name of the highest point in asia; found in nepal
  • dead sea : lowest point in asia; found in israel
  • yangtze river : longest river in asia; found in china
  • gobi desert : largest desert in asia found between chin and mongolia
  • five : number of countries that himalayas cover
  • tropical : the kind of climate that has warm temperature year-round with fair amount of rainfall
  • temperate : the kind of climate with four seasons
  • archipelago : what kind of landform is the philippines?
  • central asia : the region in asia called the land of -stans
  • southwest asia : the proper name of "middle east"
  • india : the largest country in south asia
  • southeast asia : the region that is mostly made up of thousands of islands