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Geography Crossword Puzzles
Free printable geography crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
oxygen reacts with the rock, results in the enlargement of rocks, process involving the formation of various types of carbonates in rocks, the …
mountain landforms that are made of anticlines and synclines are _ , the depression found at the top of most volcanic cones is called a _ , a large …
the movement of sediment from one place to another, often caused by wind or flowing water, a region of rock that formed together as a single rock …
disease spread by mosquitoes that causes fever and pain, some 50 species of lemurs live only on this island, practice that tries to dominate other …
the german scientist who theorized the continental drift theory, type of geography that refers to the people living in an area, the name of the …
a process in which new oceanic crust forms along a mid-ocean ridge and older oceanic crust moves away from the underwater mountain/ridge, elevated or …
a thick surface layer of soil that remains frozen throughout the year occuring cheifly in polar regions, a large continuous extent of land that …
a large underground chamber formed when rainwater follows the cracks in a rock and begins to dissolve the rock, a type of valley formed by a glacier …
a series of events that occur in a continuous pattern, water that runs off the surface of the earth, all the water on or near the surface of the …
continued use of chemical fertilizer can cause ---- to build up, a desert located in southern, what river provides the sahel with water, area with a …
point on the earth´s surface above the focus of an earthquake, type of graph that shows how quickly a river responds to a rainfall event, a tidal …
a species that is in threat of extinction, growing crops and raising livestock, the introduction of harmful substances or products into the …
the natural force that pulls things towards the earth, a valley with many small streams, moisture squeezed from rain clouds, relating to or living in …
erosion caused when rocks and boulders transported by waves bump into each other and break up into smaller pieces, occurs when material being …
the united states is not a part of this american continent, this symbol is a circle with a star in the middle that stands for _ , this is the only …
features of land surfaces, a type of a landform which is also known as tabletop highlands, mountains formed when lava and ash pile up on earths …
another word for rainfall, a broad leafed tree, trees that lose their leaves in winter are called this, a temperate forest has four of these, fraction …
desert in southern africa, flows between atlantic ocean and central africa, generally regarded as the longest river in the world, sea between africa …
desert, tundra and forest are an example of this, where the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere interact, part of the earth that is …
luster may be this, minerals are _ occurring, how it reflects light, not liquid, but _ , not organic, breaks along smooth ines, example of a soft …
called the gold coast, the capital of bosnia & herzegovina, the hausa tribe of nigeria is predominantly which religion?, which city has become the …
a type of wave with a weak swash and strong backwash, when a spit connects across two headlands, the wearing away and removal of rock, when minerals …
the second largest and second most populous continent in the world, the second smallest continent in the world, it surrounded by the world’s largest …
this region has low lying lands with many rivers running through it, this region contains death valley, this ocean is east of the united states, which …
a person who studies ancient cultures through the examination of artifacts, to rot, or decay, created after the fact, it is not original, a replica of …
the force of the river against the banks, rocks carried by the river scrape along the bed and banks, smaller material that is light enough to be …
a plant that likes the desert (6), a seat attached to a horse for riding (6), singer with top hits including ‘walk the line’ and ‘ring, famous …
the area of land drained by a river system, rivers, lakes and streams, groundwater becoming surface water (springs), the upper boundary saturated by …
a place where water moves from a high place to a low place, a large hot and dry area with a lot of sand, an area of sand next to the sea, a very large …
a vein of igneous rock that runs perpendicular to the strata, usually a combination of two or more minerals, a surface of erosion that separates one …