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Geography Crossword Puzzles
Free printable geography crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
desert in southern africa, flows between atlantic ocean and central africa, generally regarded as the longest river in the world, sea between africa …
a popular tourist destination (city) in british columbia, ocean off of canada's east coast (by newfoundland), how canada is divided up, a large body …
this natural resource grows on a plant, resources in russia are trapped under _ , peninsula that involves spain and portugal, largest country in …
more than half of europe speaks this language, major environmental issue in germany, europe's longest river, a major health issue resulting from …
a thick surface layer of soil that remains frozen throughout the year occuring cheifly in polar regions, a large continuous extent of land that …
the caribbean is located in the western and _ hemispheres, the bahamas is a democracy under the authority of the _ monarchy, a country controlled by …
a process in which new oceanic crust forms along a mid-ocean ridge and older oceanic crust moves away from the underwater mountain/ridge, elevated or …
north america is bordered by this ocean in the east, largest mountain range in north america, north america is bordered by this ocean in the west, one …
capital of guatemala, largest country in the caribbeans, country east of chile, capital of brazil, language spoken in portugal, capital of costa rica, …
igneous rock that has formed from lava, passes through the earth's atmosphere and strikes the ground, widespread and rapid decrease in biodiversity, a …
also known as surface water, one of the sources of water that contains plenty of salt, a pool of water surrounded by land, a kind of water smaller …
small country sandwiched between ukraine and romania, capital of hungary, capital of poland, this country's capital is bucharest, once known as …
rural areas being converted to urban areas, brazilian government is struggling to preserve this ecosystem, big environmental problem in mexico city, …
how did he feel about what he saw, who is considered as a god on earth, what did earlier pharaohs get buried in, what else divided pharaohs?(2words), …
a rock made of marine animals, the process of water turning into gas, rock made from enough heat and pressure under ground, a rock cooling inside the …
air contains a higher amount of water vapor and is hot and sticky feeling, large-scale farming including production, processing, and distribution, …
the uppermost layer of vegetation in terrestrial biome, a narrow stratum of rapid temperature change in the ocean and lakes, a terrestrial biome at …
when did indian ocean earthquake happen?, _ feet - how big can tsunami be?, how high is a epicenter wave?, where are tsunami most common?, what …
a flat highland, a large stream of water that runs through the land to another body of water, an imaginary line around the middle of the earth, land …
a long period of time without rain, animals, such as wolves, are doing this to make their homes in the ground, when water seeps into cracks, then …
called the gold coast, the capital of bosnia & herzegovina, the hausa tribe of nigeria is predominantly which religion?, which city has become the …
major city in the blue ridge region, georgia's little grand canyon, georgia is located in the _ and western hemispheres, a large stone outcropping in …
steep areas of land with a height of 600m or more, the breakdown of rocks by chemical, biological or physical processes, wehn water becomes trapped in …
a way to divide a place into smaller areas, time _ are areas that share the same clock time, a _ map shows states, countries, and boundaries, a …
a large underground chamber formed when rainwater follows the cracks in a rock and begins to dissolve the rock, a type of valley formed by a glacier …
introducing an animal or plant species to the island that is new, corals lose their vibrant colors and turn white, result of volcanic eruptions to an …
fatty tissue sea mammals possess to keep warm, for example, creating the antarctic treaty to protect the arctic environment and biodiversity, arctic …
a space that has been reduced in width, a process by which water, ice, wind and gravity remove and transport sediments from one place to another, the …
this place is rich in woods, peaks, and even glaciers (2 words), a large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth:, a vent in the crust of …
the german scientist who theorized the continental drift theory, type of geography that refers to the people living in an area, the name of the …