Mapping Earth's Surface Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: contour : on a topographic map, a _ line connects points of equal elevation, key : a list of all the symbols used on a map with an explanation of their meaning, longitude : the distance in degrees east or west of the prime meridian, plain : a landform made up of nearly flat or gently rolling land with low relief, north : _ pole is 90 degrees north latitude, land form : a feature of topography such as a hill or valley formed by the processes that shape the earth's surface, plateau : a landform that has high elevation and a more or less level surface, hemisphere : one half of the sphere that makes up the earth's surface, equator : an imaginary line that circles the earth halfway between the north and south poles, index : an _ contour is a heavier contour line that is labeled with elevation of that contour in round units, degree : 1/360 of the distance around a circle, interval : the change in elevation from one contour line to the next is called the contour _ , globe : a sphere that represents earth's entire surface, mountain : landform with high elevation and high relief, latitude : the distance in degrees north or south of the equator, topography : the shape of the land determined by elevation, relief and landforms, meridians : line of longitude can also be called _ , western : north and south america are located in the _ hemisphere, range : a mountain _ is a group of mountains closely related in shape, structure and age, map : a flat model of all or part of earth's surface as seen from above, elevation : height above sea level, symbols : shapes and pictures that stand for features on earth's surface, relief : the difference in elevation between the highest and lowest parts of an area, scale : a map's _ relates distance on a map to a distance on earth's surface, gps : a satellite system that allows land, sea, and airborne users to determine their exact location anywhere in the world.