Cultural Geography Crossword Puzzle

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Cultural Geography Crossword Puzzle

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  • monotheism: belief in only one god
  • balkan: this peninsula contains the country of greece
  • iberian: this peninsula contains the country of spain and portugal
  • apennine: this mountain range runs down the center of italy
  • shintoism: official religion of japan
  • dmz: term for the border between north and south korea
  • samurai: warriors that guarded the ancient japanese daimyo's estates
  • shogun: ancient japanese warlord that ruled japan
  • mao: leader of the chinese communists in 1948
  • gandhi: leader that spearheaded the indian independence movement
  • reincarnation: the belief that your actions in this life affect your destiny in the next life
  • exclave: land separated from the main body of a country it belongs to.
  • enclave: a country or portion of a country that is surrounded by another country
  • steppes: name for unforested grasslands in central asia
  • savannah: a grassy plain in tropical and subtropical regions.
  • chernobyl: site of a nuclear meltdown that contaminated the surrounding land and was caused by sheer incompetence.
  • untouchables: the lowest caste of indian society.
  • futsal: an indoor version of soccer played in southern europe mostly.
  • poaching: illegal killing of animals.
  • overfarming: the practice of clearing land or grazing animals to excess
  • animism: religious belief that ascribes spiritual powers to animals, plants and other aspects of nature.
  • balkanization: the tendency of ethnically and religiously diverse territories to break into smaller, more hostile nations.
  • polygamy: the belief that it is acceptable to marry more than one woman.
  • himalayas: a mountain range in south asia that contains some of the highest mountains in the world.
  • nile: a river known as the lifeblood of egypt