Canada's Fresh Water Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: hydrology : the science of the earths water (and its movement), water : canada's most important resource, treatment : process that improves the quality of water, extraction : water is taken from a source and returned, aqueduct : man-made canal or pipeline used to transport water, freshwater : non salty/ocean water, groundwater : water held below the ground, consumption : water is taken from a source and not returned, water table : the underground level in which the soil is permanently saturated with water, aridity : a value used to show water availability, contamination : when bacteria or toxic materials get into a water supply, lake ontario : the largest source of drinking water in ontario, drought : when there is not enough water in a location, evaporation : water changing into vapor and rising into the air, saltwater : ocean water that is not drinkable, flows : mechanism by which water moves from one reserve to another, precipitation : water that falls to the earth from the atmosphere, basin : area of land towards which water flows, glaciers : most of the earths fresh water in trapped in _ , stores : places in the world where water is stored, well : shaft sunk into the earth to obtain water