Geography Terms Crossword Puzzle

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Geography Terms Crossword Puzzle

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  • legend : a table on a map or chart that lists and explains the symbols used
  • continent : main landmass of the globe
  • north pole : the surface of the earth that is the northern end of the axis of rotation
  • latitude : angular distance north or south from the equator of a point on the earth's surface
  • longitude : angular distance east or west from the prime meridian of a point on the earth's surface
  • compass rose : a part of a map that shows the cardinal directions
  • western hemisphere : the geographical half of the earth west of the prime meridian
  • prime meridian : the line of longitude located at zero degrees
  • southern hemisphere : half of the earth south of the equator
  • south pole : the surface of the earth that is the southern end of the axis rotation
  • equator : imaginary line around the middle of the earth
  • map scale : a part of a map that compares distance on a map to distance in the real world
  • eastern hemisphere : half of the earth east of the prime meridian
  • atlas : a book of maps
  • northern hemisphere : half of the earth north of the equator
  • map : a representation that shows the whole or part of an area