Freshwater Crossword Puzzle

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Freshwater Crossword Puzzle

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  • reservoir : a supply or source of water.
  • discharge : the process where groundwater becomes surface water.
  • precipitation : any water that falls to earth from clouds.
  • impermeable : when water can't easily travel through an object its called...
  • permeability : the quality of how easily water can travel through a material.
  • artesian : a well that that has water bursting from it is called an ... well.
  • groundwater : water that has soaked beneath earth's surface.
  • aquifer : this is a body of permeable or impermeable layers of material that hold groundwater.
  • watershed : an area of land that captures rainfall and drains it to a larger collection like a lake.
  • transpiration : release of water vapor into the air by plants.
  • unsaturated : where there is no water.
  • watertable : the top of the saturated zone.
  • well : a man-made structure that is dug into the earth to collect water.
  • condensation : a change of state from gas to liquid.
  • spring : a point at which water flows from an aquifer to earth's surface.
  • surfacewater : when water is above earth's surface.
  • recharge : the process where surface water becomes groundwater.
  • porocity : the amount of pours a material has.
  • evaporation : when the sun heats water until it turns to water vapor.
  • saturated : where there water can be found.