Europe Geography Crossword Puzzle

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Europe Geography Crossword Puzzle

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  • permafrost : a thick surface layer of soil that remains frozen throughout the year occuring cheifly in polar regions.
  • mainland : a large continuous extent of land that includes the or territory,opposed to offshore islands and detached territories.
  • sovereign : a supreme ruler especially a monarch.
  • great britain : the island consisting of england, scotland, and wales, which together with northern ireland makes up the united kingdom.
  • roman : _ alphabet - the alphabet used to write many modern- day languages.
  • peninsula : a piece of land almost surrounded by water or projecting out into a body of water.
  • iberian : _ peninsula - a peninsula of southwest europe occupied by spain and portugal.
  • elevation : height above a given level, especially sea level.
  • urban : in, relating to, or characteristic of a city or town.
  • linguistic : relating to language of linguistics .
  • eurasia : a combined continental landmass of europe and asia.
  • arable : used or suitable for growing crops.
  • indo european : relating to the family of languages spoken over the great part of europe and asia as far as northern india.
  • climate : the weather condition prevailing in an area in general or over an long period.
  • mediterranean : _ sea connected to the atlantic ocean surrounded by the mediterranean basin.
  • land form : a natural feature of earth's surface.
  • port : a town or city with a harbor where ships load or unload, especially one where customs officers are stationed
  • diversity : a range of different things.
  • land locked : almost or entirely surrounded by land ; having no coastline or seaport
  • iberian : relating to or denoting iberia, or the countries of spain an portugal.
  • cyrillic : _ alphabet - a character set that includes letters and is used to write a language.