Heat Energy and Spheres Crossword Puzzle

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Heat Energy and Spheres Crossword Puzzle

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  • anemometer : instrument used to measure wind speed.
  • heat : transfer of energy from an object with a higher temperature to an object with a lower temperature.
  • cryosphere : frozen part of the earth's surface; includes the polar ice caps, continental ice sheets, glaciers, sea ice, and permafrost.
  • ocean current : movement of ocean water that follows a regular pattern.
  • conduction : transfer of energy that occurs when molecules bump into each other.
  • biosphere : all living organisms on earth, in the air, on the land, and in the waters; the part of earth where life exist.
  • temperature : measure of how hot or cold something is; measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in an object.
  • coriolis effect : curving of the path of a moving object from an otherwise straight path due to the earth's rotation.
  • hydrosphere : all of the water on the earth.
  • radiation : transfer of energy as electromagnetic waves or rays.
  • air pressure : measure of the force of air molecules pushing on a surface.
  • thermometer : instrument that measure and indicates temperature.
  • thermal energy : total kinetic energy of a substance's atoms.
  • geo sphere : all the features on earth's surface and everything below the surface; the mostly solid, rocky part of the earth extends from the center of the core to the surface of the crust.
  • solar energy : energy from the sun that is nonpolluting, renewable, and abundant but is available only when the sun is shining.
  • convention : transfer of heat energy by the circulation or movement of gases or liquids.
  • atmosphere : mixture of gases that surround earth, other planets, moons or stars.
  • insulation : substance that reduce the transfer of electricity, heat, or sound.
  • friction : force that resist motion between two objects in contact and that always acts opposite to the direction of motion.
  • wind : horizontal movement of air caused by different air pressure.