Landforms of Antarctica Crossword Puzzle

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Landforms of Antarctica Crossword Puzzle

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  • landscape: a landscape is a large area of land that you can see, made up of different natural features like mountains, rivers, forests, and valleys.
  • landform: a landform is a natural feature of the earth's surface, such as a mountain, hill, valley, or plain.
  • glacier: a glacier is a huge, slow-moving mass of ice that forms in very cold places and slowly flows down mountains or across land.
  • mountain: a mountain is a tall, steep landform that rises high above the surrounding land. it's usually made of rock and is much higher than a hill.
  • glaciation: glaciation is the process where land is shaped by glaciers. it happens when glaciers move, carrying rocks and soil with them, and carving out valleys and other landforms.
  • volcanic activity: volcanic activity refers to the processes related to volcanoes, like eruptions of lava, ash, and gases from the earth's crust.
  • fjord: a fjord is a long, deep, narrow body of water that reaches far inland, created by a glacier carving out a valley in the mountains, which then fills with seawater.
  • permafrost: permafrost is ground that remains completely frozen for at least two years. it’s found in very cold regions and can be several meters thick.
  • fault line: a fault line is a crack in the earth's surface where two pieces of the earth's crust move past each other. these movements can cause earthquakes.