Time, Fossils, Tectonic Plates Crossword Puzzle

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Time, Fossils, Tectonic Plates Crossword Puzzle

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  • lithosphere : tectonic plates are pieces of this layer
  • apart : sea floor spreading is when plates drift _
  • halflife : the amount of time it takes for half of a radioactive sample to decay into a stable form
  • asthenosphere : tectonic plates float on this layer.
  • hadean : the first eon of the earth when there was no life of any kind
  • paleozoic : the era when plants and animals first appeared on land
  • radiometric dating : a method of determining the age of an object by comparing the amount of a radioactive parent isotope to the stable daughter isotope
  • fossils : wegener thought that the continents had once been joined together because he found matching _ on the coasts of certain continents.
  • eons : the longest periods of geologic time
  • isotope : an atom that has the same number of protons as other atoms of its kind, but a different number of neutrons, possibly making it unstable
  • mesozoic : the era that's called the age of the reptiles
  • crust : the entire geological column is found in this layer of the earth.
  • seismic : earthquakes produce these waves
  • wegener : who first proposed the idea of pangaia?
  • paleontologist : a scientist who studies fossils
  • magma : the molten rock that comes up from the mantle
  • geologist : a scientist who studies rocks
  • core : the dense center of the earth
  • compare : relative dating is when paleontologists _ the age of one thing with the age of something else.
  • pangaia : the name of the super continent that existed 245 million years ago
  • index fossil : the fossil of an organism which is known to have lived during a particular time in geologic history. these fossils are useful in determining the age of a rock sample.
  • cenozoic : the era in which we live
  • period : a piece of an era
  • together : a convergent boundary is where plates come _