Plate Tectonics & Supercontinents Crossword Puzzle

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Plate Tectonics & Supercontinents Crossword Puzzle

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  • ring of fire : region with frequent earthquakes and volcanic activity around the pacific.
  • earthquake : sudden movement of earth's crust due to stress release.
  • faults : breaks in earth’s crust where earthquakes commonly occur.
  • continental drift : the process where continents slowly move apart over time.
  • divergent : type of boundary where two plates move away from each other.
  • convergent : plate boundary where two plates collide, forming mountains or trenches.
  • super continent cycle : the cycle where supercontinents form and break apart repeatedly.
  • plate tectonics : theory explaining the movement of earth’s plates.
  • mountains : the collision of tectonic plates forms these massive landforms.
  • subduction : zone where one plate slides beneath another.
  • amasia : future supercontinent possibility; “next pangaea”.
  • mantle : earth's layer located between the crust and the outer core.
  • pangea : giant landmass formed when all continents were once connected.
  • transform : the direction plates move when two plates slide past one another.
  • lithosphere : the uppermost solid part of the mantle and crust combined.