North American Geography Crossword Puzzle

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North American Geography Crossword Puzzle

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  • atlantic : north america is bordered by this ocean in the east
  • rockies : largest mountain range in north america
  • pacific : north america is bordered by this ocean in the west
  • french : one of the languages spoken in canada
  • arctic : this ocean borders north america to the north.
  • washington dc : capital of the united states
  • denali : highest mountain peak in north america
  • appalachians : oldest mountain range in the u.s.
  • texas : this state shares the largest border with mexico
  • mexico city : city in north america with the largest population
  • grand canyon : popular national park in arizona
  • california : u.s. state with largest population
  • delaware : first state
  • gulf of mexico : this body of water is bordered by texas, florida, louisiana and two other states.
  • spanish : second most widely spoken language in the u.s.
  • alaska : state with the largest coastline
  • mississippi : longest river in the united states
  • canada : largest country in north america (square miles)
  • new york city : largest u.s. city
  • fifty : number of states in the u.s.
  • hawaii : last state to be admitted to the union
  • crater lake : deepest lake in the united states