Ecology and Ecosystems Crossword Puzzle

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Ecology and Ecosystems Crossword Puzzle

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  • water cycle : continuous movement of water between earth's surface and air
  • consumer : gets energy from feeding directly on producers or the animals that feed on producers
  • respiration : how a cell releases energy
  • energy pyramid : diagram of how energy moves through a food chain
  • transpiration : loss of water through leaves
  • composting : the process in which decomposers breakdown organic matter so it can be used as a natural fertilizer
  • scavenger : seeks out the remains of dead animals to eat
  • predator : living things that hunt and kill other living things for food
  • carbon cycle : recycling of carbon between the atmosphere and living things
  • decomposer : breaks down dead organisms into simpler substances
  • photosynthesis : how a plant makes food to store energy
  • nitrogen cycle : continuous trapping of nitrogen into compounds in soil and returning nitrogen to the air
  • producer : use energy from the sun to make food
  • prey : animals that are hunted