Ocean Exploration Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: cabin : a private room on a ship where you can sleep, navigate : to find your way on the sea, magellan : last name of the first man who traveled from europe to asia by sea, saltwater : type of water that you can't drink, and makes up 96% of all water on earth, leif : first name of the viking who "discovered" america, erik the red : viking who discovered greenland, island : a place surrounded by water, pacific : the largest ocean on earth, armstrong : last name of the first man on the moon, anchor : a heavy object used to stop a ship from moving, waves : water going up and down, amundsen : last name of the first man on the south pole, ship : a large boat, submarine : a boat that can travel under water, mast : a large pole used to hold the sails on a sailing ship, harbor : a place where you can load things onto the ship from land