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Ecology & Environment Crossword Puzzles
Free printable environment crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
h2o, excessive marine life harvesting, toxic metal contaminating seas, substances with varying effects, harmful chemicals for pest control, excess …
the center of a cyclone, action that must do after tropical cyclone, place that can defense the tropical cyclone, weather that may be appear when …
a long period of time without rain, animals, such as wolves, are doing this to make their homes in the ground, when water seeps into cracks, then …
tiny plastic particles, typically less than 5mm in size, that result from the breakdown of larger plastic items, the practice of using resources in a …
the island paradise drowning in plastic, what we want you to do when it comes to your plastic habits, 80% of marine litter is made up of this, we are …
to sort and collect rubbish in order to treat it and produce useful materials that can be used again, impossible for your stomach to break down, used …
a heritable trait that helps and organism survive and reproduce in its habitat, the environment in which an organism naturally lives, differences …
type of pressure associated with cold, sinking air, the effect that explains why wind moves in curved paths, hottest layer of the atmosphere, the …
_ sink, areas of vegetation, the ocean or the soil which absorb or store carbon, movement of rock by water, ice or wind, layers of sedimentary rock, _ …
caused by uneven heating of land and water which causes a rising and sinking of warm and cool air masses creating convection currents, water changing …
the atmospheric layer in which weather occurs, _ layer, protects the earth from most of the sun's uv rays, the falling of water from clouds is known …
turbulent layer of atmosphere where all weather is found, the top of the troposphere, extends from tropopause to approximately 50km above the earth, …
to a sea turtle, a plastic bag looks like a _ , to help our environment, you should _ , recycle and reduce, throwing trash or items on the ground is …
a deadly ocean wave that is caused by natural events such as earthquakes, landslides, or volcanic eruptions, the most common natural disaster on …
the lowest layer of the atmosphere, the second layer of the atmosphere, protects the earth from meteoriods, the thickest layer of the atmosphere, it …
breaking down of rocks in place, removal or rock and sediment from the surface, chemical weathering because of organic acids, water expands as it when …
molecules contains it are known as organic molecules, makes up 0.04% of earth's atmosphere, this type of gas traps heat in the atmosphere, carbon …
a herbivore eats this, organism that has the ability to make their own food, a carnivore eats this, a consumer that eats both plants and animals, a …
where there are lots of trees, a very hot and dry place, where water runs to the sea, where water falls from a cliff, the blue place way up high, …
large natural flow of water that moves toward a larger body of water like a lake or ocean, salt water with salinity levels between 32-35ppt, water …
what is the biggest culprit for creating fossil fuels, what chemical does acid rain release in to the soil?, lack of what causes a stunt in plant …
a large-scale ecosystem, a region in which yearly patterns of temperature, rainfall, and sunlight are similar throughout, found near the equator with …
the clearing of forests on a massive scale, the process by which fertile land becomes desert, typically as a result of deforestation, the reduction in …
a rapid discharge of electrical energy into the atmosphere, flooding occurs within a few hours of heavy or excessive rainfall, fluffy white stuff from …
the power needed to do work, a living thing that makes its own food, a living thing that eats other living things, an animal that eats both plants and …
trophic level of high energy is the ....., how can human activities affect carbon cycle, example of abiotic components, example of biotic component, …
has a lot to do with where and why certain groups settled in different parts of the united states, one of the ways a region is defined, the higher up …
nitrogen in a state where plants can adsorb it, organisms that return fixed nitrogen to the soil, a relation where both parties benefit, describes the …
each step in the transfer of energy and matter within a food web, an organism that cannot make its own food, must always be recycled in the ecosystem, …
the three "r"s are reduce, reuse and, if we lesson our use of, we are, turn out the lights to save, this is made from trees, carpooling …