Environment [Advanced Vocabulary] Crossword Puzzle

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Environment [Advanced Vocabulary] Crossword Puzzle

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  • biodegradable : able to be broken down by living organisms such as bacteria, which is then safe for the environment
  • carbonneutral : describing a state in which carbon dioxide emission reaches zero
  • zeroemission : not producing gases harmful to the environment
  • crude : unprocessed and raw in form
  • ecological : related to the connection between animals, plants and humans in their environment
  • contaminate : to make something less pure or poisonous
  • compost : to make decayed leaves, plants or organic waste into a mixture that can improve the soil
  • dump : to get rid of waste material in an unorganised manner
  • refine : to remove unwanted or harmful substances from another substance
  • conservationist : someone who makes an effort to protect the environment
  • ecoanxiety : a feeling of concern regarding the current and future state of the environment
  • disposal : the act of getting rid of waste material
  • carbonmonoxide : an odourless, colourless, and poisonous gas
  • microplastic : very small pieces of plastic orginiating from personal care products, clothing, etc.
  • pylon : a tall metal structure carrying high voltage power lines
  • reactor : a large structure for producing nuclear energy
  • hydroelectricity : electricity produced from the power of water
  • tidalwave : a large wave caused by a storm or underwater earthquake which causes destruction on land
  • herbicide : a chemical for killing plants
  • pollutant : any substance that is harmful to the environment
  • oilrig : a large platform used for drilling for oil or gas underground or under the sea
  • acidrain : rainfall made so acidic by atmospheric pollution which causes environmental harm
  • typhoon : a tropical storm