Human Impact Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: conservation : saving and wise use of natural resources, natural : material from earth that people use are _ resources, pollution : damage done to the environment by the introduction of pollutants, green house effect : trapping of the sun’s heat in earth’s atmosphere by carbon dioxide and other gases, fossil fuels : fuels that formed in earth over millions of years; for example, coal, oil, and natural gas, renewable : natural resources that can be replaced as it is used, global warming : increase in earth’s average temperature, non biodegradable : not able to be broken down or decompose, human interaction : interactions between the human social system and the ecosystem, recycle : to treat or change waste so it can be used again, ecosystem : all the interacting living and nonliving things in an area, emission : reducing the amount of harmful gases given off by energy plants is called _ reduction, nonrenewable : natural resources that can not be replaced as it is used, deforestation : the action of clearing a wide area of trees, biodegradable : able to be broken down or decompose