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Ecology & Environment Crossword Puzzles
Free printable environment crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
a storm with a violent wind, in particular, a tropical cyclone in the caribbean, a mobile, destructive vortex of violently rotating winds having the …
level of ecology that studies how species interactions, such as predation and competition, affect community structure and organization, level of …
water droplets in clouds freeze into tiny ice crystals, moving air, a hot flash of electricity that jumps down from a storm cloud, a snowstorm with …
the process of removing forests, the process of turning soil into sand, a type of tree with roots that grow underwater, a place where logs are …
an animal that lives underground, grass grows quickly in this belt, another name for buffalo, this animal produces much of our butter and milk, the …
the tundra gets very little _ , desert biome receives very little annual _ , tundra: most of its water comes from _ , the _ desert in mongolia is a …
ground that is permanently frozen, trees and shrubs that shed their leaves at the end of the growing season, a scrub land biome of dense, spiny …
how something is spread out, a town which is close to the arctic that we have studied, the continent that contains canada, usa , alaska, soil or …
a natural substance formed from the buried remains of ancient organisms that can be used as a source of energy, large, slow moving bodies of ice, the …
a community of living organisms interacting in their physical environment, when one organism hunts and eats another, the part of earth where life …
discarded electronic devices such as old computers, phones, and batteries, water found beneath the earth's surface, which can be polluted by chemicals …
disease-causing agent that infect humans and make them sick, factors that threaten or are harmful to human health, the effect an organism shows as a …
a major terrestrial vegetation community eg a tropical forest, a temperate grassland or a desert, a community of interacting plants and animals and …
the study of natural cycles and events, the world _ monitoring service report on melting ice, is occurring 10 days earlier due to global warming, a …
water-based, water bodies with less than 1% salt, water bodies with, smaller non-flowing water systems; may be seasonal, larger non-flowing water …
erosion that occurs during glaciation, cracks forming in the rocks by water and ice, ice forming by snow stacking, ice loosing mass by going downhill, …
energy from the sun, a device that converts sunlight into electricity, a structure that converts wind energy into electricity, a structure that …
deserts, deep oceans, mountains ice caps are what, conditions in which something lives in, a characteristic that helps an organism live in its …
a storm with thunder, lightning, and heavy rain, a violent rotating column of air in a storm, a large tropical storm with high winds and heavy rain, a …
when the sun is shining with little or no clouds, when the sky is covered with clouds, when there is a lot of wind, measures air pressure, when there …
a measure of the average kinetic energy of air molecules, precipitation that soaks into the soil, all the water on earth's surface, rivers, streams, …
hard, rocky outer layer of any terrestrial planet or natural satellite, composed of the crust and the upper mantle, thin layer of earth's surface …
living factors that affect a population, the role of an organism in an ecosystem, the variety of ecosystems and species in an area, includes species …
a key element in greenhouse gases like dioxide and monoxide, released gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect, energy sources like solar, wind, …
the variety of plants and animals in the world, the home where animals or plants live, protecting nature for the future, animals or plants at risk of …
a line or path along which ecological measurements are made at regular intervals to study the distribution of species across a habitat, a square …
the living components of an environment, including plants, animals, and microorganisms, an organism that can produce its own food using light or …
an instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure. it can help predict weather changes by indicating whether the pressure is rising or falling, the …
average weather pattern of a region over time, region that has a particular climate and contains certain types of plants and animals, water ecosystems …
study of how organisms interact with their environment, consists of all the organisms that live in a given area, group of a single species that live …