Mangrove Ecosystem Crossword Puzzle

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  • spawning area : role of mangrove ecosystem by which aquatic animals release their eggs or sperm during reproduction process
  • aerial root : mangrove mechanism by which the roots are coming out of the ground
  • breeding ground : role of mangrove ecosystem which provides suitable conditions for reproduction
  • pollution : threat to mangrove ecosystem which affects the water quality
  • land conversion : threat to mangrove ecosystem by which the land is converted to aquaculture and urban development
  • mangrove : shrub or trees which grows mainly in the inter-tidal zones
  • salt filtration : adaptive mechanism of mangrove by which the roots excrete salt from seawater
  • inter tidal zone : zone where the land meets the sea
  • habitat : role of mangrove ecosystem for aquatic and terrestrial species
  • prop root : mangrove mechanism by which the roots grow downwards from the stem to provide support and stronghold of soil