Environmental Problems Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: desertification : the process by which the land becomes desert, drought : a long period in which there is little or no rain, emissions : gases and other substances discharged into the air, such as plumes of smoke from coal-fired power stations or car exhaust fumes, climate : the general climatic conditions that are ordinarily found in a particular place, extinction : many species of plants and animals are endangered/threatened with extinction, resources : things like minerals, forests, coal, etc. that exist in a place and can be used by people, atmosphere : a mixture of gases that surrounds the earth, deforestation : the felling of trees in a large area, destruction of forests by people, ecosystem : a geographic area where plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as weather and landscape, work together to form a bubble of life, waste : unwanted material of any kind is often leftover after useful substances have been removed, pollution : damage caused to water, air etc. by harmful substances or residues, flood : a large amount of water covers an area that is usually dry, recycle : the process of converting waste materials, that would usually be thrown away, into new materials and objects, warming : a gradual rise in global temperature is caused by polluting gases that accumulates in the air around the earth and prevent heat from escaping into space.