Erosion and Deposition Crossword Puzzle

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  • glacial drift : materials carried and deposited by a glacier
  • alpine : this glacier is formed in mountainous regions
  • desert pavement : surface made up mostly of pebbles and small, broken rock
  • mass movement : shifting of materials
  • abrasion : grinding and wearing down of rock surfaces by other rock or sand
  • continental : these glaciers are thick sheets of ice that may spread over large areas
  • loess : fine-grained sediments deposited by wind
  • horn : sharp pyramid peaks that form when several arrestees join at top of mountain
  • construction : cause of landslide
  • arete : jagged ridges formed between two or more cirques
  • glacier : large mass of moving ice
  • lahars : mud-flows of volcanic origin
  • gravity : causes glaciers to move
  • earthquake : cause of a landslide
  • cirques : bowl-shaped depressions where glacial ice cuts back into mountain walls
  • rapidly : how most mass movements occur
  • landslide : sudden and rapid movement of a large amount of material downslope
  • mud flow : movement of large mass of mud
  • deforestation : cause of landslide
  • dunes : mounds of wind-deposited sand
  • deflation : removal of fine sediment by wind
  • rockfall : loose rocks fall down a steep slope
  • creep : extremely slow movement of material down slope