Introduction to Climate Change Crossword Puzzle

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Introduction to Climate Change Crossword Puzzle

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  • fossil fuels : a natural substance formed from the buried remains of ancient organisms that can be used as a source of energy.
  • glacier : large, slow moving bodies of ice.
  • weather : the daily state of the atmosphere, or air, in any given place.
  • celsius : when this measure of temperature is equal to 0, water will freeze.
  • global warming : a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere.
  • adapt : the natural process by which an animal or plant becomes fitted to its environment.
  • atmosphere : the boundary made up of gases between earth and outer space, often referred to as "air".
  • climate change : a change in the average conditions — such as temperature and rainfall — in a region over a long period of time.
  • climate : the average of weather conditions in an area over a long period.
  • sea level : scientists estimate that this has risen approximately 18cm (7in) since 1880. this is in part due to the earth's melting ice.