Weather Maps Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: warm air : holds more water vapor, fair : increasing (high)air pressure signals this type of weather. (fair or stormy), sink : in a high pressure system, cool air masses become more dense and .......(sink or rise), air pressure : pressure caused by the weight of the air above an area, humidity : amount of water vapor or moisture content in air, air masses : bodies of air extending over large areas that have similar characteristics including pressure, temperature, and humidity, cold front : the border created when a cold air mass replaces a warm air mass, low pressure : an air mass with less atmospheric pressure than the surrounding air masses, barometer : an instrument that measures air pressure, weather : the day to day state of the atmosphere including temperature, humidity, and precipitation, high pressure : an air mass with greater atmospheric pressure than the surrounding air masses, warm front : the boundary created when a warm air mass replaces a cold air mass, weather map : a map or chart that shows the weather conditions at a specific point in time over a specific region, convection : heat transfer caused by the rising of hotter, less dense fluids and the falling of cooler, more dense fluids, rise : in a low pressure system, warm air masses become less dense and ....(sink or rise), cold air : holds less water vapor, stormy : decreasing (low) air pressure signals this type of weather. (fair or stormy)