Plastic Pollution Crossword Puzzle

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Plastic Pollution Crossword Puzzle

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  • recycle : to sort and collect rubbish in order to treat it and produce useful materials that can be used again.
  • indigestible : impossible for your stomach to break down.
  • single use : used to refer to a product that can be used once and is then thrown away.
  • carapace : a hard layer that covers and protects animals such as crabs and turtles.
  • marine : something found in the sea.
  • break down : to deteriorate into smaller parts.
  • polymer : a chemical compound with molecules bonded together in long, repeating chains.
  • crude oil : a liquid fuel source located underground and extracted through drilling.
  • packaging : the act of wrapping or enclosing a product for the purpose of protection and preservation.
  • zooplankton : very small animals that float near the surface of water and on which other sea creatures feed.
  • food chain : an arrangement of the organisms of an ecological community according to the order of predation.
  • plastic : an artificial substance that can be shaped when soft into many different forms and has many different uses.
  • predatory : an adjective used to describe an animal that kills and eats other animals.
  • reusable : able to be used more than once.