Human Influences on Ecosystem Crossword Puzzle

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Human Influences on Ecosystem Crossword Puzzle

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  • mono culture : an area of ground covered by a single crop, with almost no other species present
  • biodiversity : the number of different species that live in an area
  • extinction : the complete loss of a species from earth
  • deforestation : the cutting down of large numbers of trees
  • greenhouse gases : gases such as carbon dioxide and methane that trap heat within the atmosphere
  • greenhouse effect : the heating effect on the earth of the trapping of heat by greenhouse gases; note that this is a natural and useful effect, as without it the earth would be too cold to support life
  • eutrophication : a chain of events caused by addition of extra plant nutrients to water, resulting in a decrease in the concentration of dissolved oxygen available for organisms that require it for aerobic respiration
  • non-biodegradable : not able to be broken down by decomposers
  • sustainable resource : one that is produced as rapidly as it is removed from the environment, so that it does not run out
  • endangered : at serious risk of becoming extinct
  • captive breeding : keeping animals in captivity (e.g. in a zoo) and allowing them to breed, in order to increase the numbers in the population
  • seed banks : facilities in which seeds of different plant species, or crop varieties, are stored for long periods of time, in order to conserve as many different species and varieties as possible