Major Biomes Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: prairie: a biome with tall grasses, savanna: also known as a tropical grassland, covering half of africa, marine: which biome covers 3/4 of earth, permafrost: a frozen layer under the soil, temperate: one type of grassland, aquatic: freshwater and marine are both .... biomes, forest: covering 1/3 of terrestrial earth, climate: one of the characteristics of a biome, alpine: this type of tundra is found on mountains, taiga: another name for boreal forest, desert: any wildlife living here needs special adaptations to survive, boreal: the coldest forest where it rarely rains, tundra: the soil in this extreme biome is poor and the number of species low, biome: a large area of living things made up of ecosystems, equator: tropical forestsare found near the ....