Water and Erosion Crossword Puzzle

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Water and Erosion Crossword Puzzle

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  • glaciers : large area of ice moving slowly down a mountain.
  • snowline : altitude above which the snow stays year round.
  • water cycle : movement of water on the earth from atmosphere to land and back.
  • precipitation : types of water that falls to the earth.
  • condensation : water vapor changing to a liquid.
  • strip cropping : another method of farming used to reduce erosion.
  • weathering : breaking down of rocks.
  • ice wedging : water freezing and breaking rocks.
  • climate : average weather conditions over a long period.
  • tributaries : small streams that flow into a larger river.
  • weather : daily variations in temperature and precipitation.
  • groundwater : water in the ground.
  • acid rain : harmful chemicals in the air and rain.
  • erosion : soil is moved.
  • mechanical weathering : broken down by physical means
  • spring : water flowing out on top of the ground.
  • geyser : hot water forced out to the top of the ground.
  • watershed : area drained by a stream or river.
  • contour plowing : method of farming used to reduce erosion.