Biomes in Asia Crossword Puzzle

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Biomes in Asia Crossword Puzzle

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  • steppes: a biome in the middle of the continent, its made of plains of grass land
  • taiga: it's the south of the tundra, it has thick forests, the winters are long and cold and the summers are short
  • mountains: the higher you go the colder it gets, after a certain point it's to cold for trees
  • cold desert: summers are hot, but the winters are very cold, there is almost no rain
  • tundra: it's in the north, it's very cold and the ground is deeply frozen, so the plants cant grow in winter
  • hot desert: it's further south, it's very hot during the day, there is very little rain
  • forests: it's between the steppes and the coast, the summers are hot and the winters are cold, there is a lot of trees