Green Living Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: agri tourism : the business of providing holidays for people in the countryside, microplastics : extremely small pieces of plastic that are harmful to the environment (usually used in cosmetics), eco warrior : someone who actively tries to stop activities that damage the environment, carbon footprint : a measurement of the amount of carbon dioxide produced, global warming : an increase in the overall temperature due to greenhouse effect, upcycle : repurpose an item to create something of higher quality, cfc : a gas used in aerosols and fridges that causes harm to the ozone layer, free cycle: to give things they don't need to other people instead of throwing them away, hybrids : a vehicle that uses petrol and another type of energy (usually electricity), organic : not using any chemicals in growing plants, eco conscious : showing concern for the environment, sustainability: meeting the needs of the present without compromising the future, biodegradable : something capable of decaying into its basic components