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Ecology & Environment Crossword Puzzles
Free printable environment crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
a different form of the same gene, chromosomes are divided into sections called what?, chromosomes are presented on a diagram called a.., the actual …
amount of added nutrient, usually nitrogen or phosphorus, that can be absorbed by plants without damaging ecosystem integrity, a downward population …
large area of ice moving slowly down a mountain, altitude above which the snow stays year round, movement of water on the earth from atmosphere to …
the gas which makes up most of our atmosphere today (78%) (n _ ), the gas in our atmosphere that we need to stay alive (21%) (o _ ), the gas in our …
the process where a dense oceanic plate plunges below a less dense continental plate, the name of a steep sided volcano with viscous thick lava, the …
thin, whispy, feathery clouds at a high altitude, a lack of precipitation, a cotton-like cloud, mostly found in the summer or spring, a method to …
process by which a population becomes better suited to its environmentt by increasing the frequencies of alleles that provide benefits to survival and …
the long-term change in earth's climate:, the wearing away of soil by wind, water, or other natural agents, the introduction of harmful chemicals into …
the ability to maintain or support something over the long term without depleting resources or causing irreparable harm to the environment, the …
the percentage of earth's water that is freshwater (2 words), process water vapor cooling and turning into liquid water, water that flows across the …
_ is not created or destroyed, but is recycled, the _ cycle is _ moving from producers to consumers to decomposers back to producers, these organisms …
variety of life and organisms in a habitat or ecosystem, biological variation that occurs within a species, diagram that shows how organisms are …
form of radiation with wavelengths are longer than those of red light, layer where weather occurs, movement of air parallel to earth's surface, the …
having a random probability distribution or pattern that may be analysed statistically but may not be predicted precisely, a large naturally occurring …
the gas layer that surrounds the earth, the useful gas that we breathe, the gas that is most common in the atmosphere, the outer layer of the earths …
a naturally occurring mineral containing a valuable constituent (such as metal) for which it is mined and worked, to make less or cause to appear …
_ species exist only in a specialized area and are susceptible to extinction, _ ecology focuses on patterns of species diversity and interactions, _ …
the way we obtain resources/the amount of resources we have available, the scale on how reactive an element is, a fuel that we don't have the …
if a body of water has no means of getting rid of water except evaporation, does it contain salt or fresh water?, the process by which a gas turns …
metal object used for change, seagulls try to get your food out of it, part of a drink you throw away when opened (metal/plastic), something plastic …
the cycling of chemical elements through living and nonliving parts of an ecosystem, the precipitation that flows over the surface of soil, a swelling …
the effect of substantial changes of temperature, acidity or light on coral, an aquatic reptile especially affected by human impacts, large boats that …
the diversity of ecosystems which encompass all life on earth, the organism at the base of all food webs, organisms which feed on dead organisms, …
temperate _ climates are located near a body of water, humid, warm winters, shows the monthly average temperature and precipitation for a particular …