Conservational Biology and Global Change Crossword Puzzle

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  • critical load : amount of added nutrient, usually nitrogen or phosphorus, that can be absorbed by plants without damaging ecosystem integrity.
  • extinction vortex : a downward population spiral in which inbreeding and genetic drift combine to cause a small population to shrink.
  • biological magnification : organisms at high trophic levels experience higher concentrations of toxic compounds.
  • conservation biology : integrating ecology, physiology, molecular biology, genetics, and evolutionary biology to conserve biological diversity at all levels.
  • introduced species : species that humans move intentionally or accidentally from the species' native locations to new geographic regions.
  • movement corridor : narrow strip or small clumps of habitat connecting otherwise isolated patches.
  • greenhouse effect : warming of earth due to the atmospheric accumulation of carbon dioxide and certain other gases.
  • hot spot : relatively small area with numerous endemic species.
  • sustainable development : economic development that meets the needs of people today without limiting the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
  • assisted migration : translocation of a species to a favorable habitat beyond its native range to protect the species from human-caused threats.
  • endangered species : species that are on the verge of extinction.