Marine Pollution and the Ocean Crossword Puzzle

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Marine Pollution and the Ocean Crossword Puzzle

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  • water: h2o
  • overfishing: excessive marine life harvesting.
  • mercury: toxic metal contaminating seas.
  • chemicals: substances with varying effects.
  • pesticides: harmful chemicals for pest control.
  • eutrophication: excess nutrients causing algae growth.
  • runoff: pollution from land into water.
  • oil spills: accidental release of petroleum.
  • dead zones: areas with little marine life.
  • pollutants: harmful substances in the environment.
  • toxins: poisonous substances.
  • marine biology: study of ocean life.
  • bottles: common containers for liquids.
  • bags: carriers often made of plastic.
  • debris: waste material littering the seas.
  • microplastics: tiny plastic particles.
  • recycling: reusing materials to reduce waste.
  • crest: highest point of a wave.
  • trough: lowest point of a wave.
  • wavelength: distance between wave peaks.
  • current: flow of water within the ocean.
  • ocean: vast body of saltwater.